Super Junior Wiki

Super Junior Mini-Drama (also known as Super Junior Drama Series or Super Junior Productions) was a variety game show hosted by Super Junior where they would write, produce and star in their own drama series. It first aired on August 16, 2006 on Mnet.


A variety game show where the members of Super Junior (with the exception of Hangeng, Heechul, Kibum, and Siwon, who weren’t directly in the show but had cameos) could create and produce their own mini-dramas for themselves to star in. The members split up into two teams: Prince Team or Pearl Blue Team and play a game in the beginning of the episode to determine who exactly got the reward for the drama or who got the punishment.

Cast Members[]

  • Leeteuk
  • Heechul (cameo in the opening credits)
  • Yesung
  • Kangin
  • Shindong
  • Sungmin
  • Eunhyuk
  • Donghae
  • Siwon (cameo)
  • Ryeowook
  • Kibum (cameo)
  • Kyuhyun


  • Not all of the 13 Super Junior members participate in the show.
